
Clean Technologies and Innovation

| Siddhi Green Excellence Pvt. Ltd. |
| October 25, 2023 |

Clean Technologies, as distinct from “end-of-pipe” abatement technologies minimize the generation of waste streams in the production processes and utilize waste from other consumption goods and production processes, rather than treating the waste after generation.


In general, clean technologies are less intensive in use of raw materials and energy, than conventional technologies, which rely on pollution abatement after generation.



“It is continuous application of an integrated preventive environmental strategy applied to process, products and services to increase overall efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment.

Clean Technology assessment practices:

·On-site Recovery/Reuse

·Input Substitution

·Better Process Control

·Equipment Modification

·Production of useful Byproduct

·Technology Change

·Product Modification

·Good Housekeeping

Barriers to the adoption of Clean Technologies:

·Many of holders/owners are proprietary and protected by strong patent regimes held abroad. The vendors, accordingly, would be able to extract large premiums in the absence of competitive substitutes. In such cases a project specific approach will be adopted in respect of enhancing market access.


·Lack of information & expertise


·Lack of capacity in development financial institutions for appraisal of proposals for switching existing production facilities to clean technologies.


·Lack of co-ordination in R&D efforts in India aimed at developing a shelf of commercially viable clean technologies.

·Lack of Environmental awareness  

Elements of an action plan:



·Encourage capacity building in the financial sector for appraising clean technology switchover project proposals.


·Set up a mechanism to network technology research institutions in the country, public and private, for cooperation in technology research and development and adaptation, information, and evaluation of clean technologies. Create a database of such technologies, and promote dissemination of new technologies developed both in India and abroad.


·Consider use of revenue enhancing fiscal instruments/ market- based instruments/ economic instruments to promote shifts to clean technologies in both existing and new units.


·Promote adoption of clean technologies by industry, in particular in the small and medium sector, through regulatory & fiscal measures and standards setting.

Benefits of Clean Technology:

Source: National Environment Policy, 2006


-By, Mrs. Priti S. Raval,

(Sr. Executive Environment)

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